Convert SQL Server to MySQL

When planning a database migration from SQL Server to MySQL, it is critical to ensure that the conversion process runs smoothly and reliably in order to prevent data loss or corruption and minimize system downtime. There are many specialized software tools meant to streamline the MS SQL to MySQL conversion process. These tools migrate all database objects from the source database management system to the destination database management system, including table definitions with required characteristics (null flag, default values, etc), data, indexes and constraints, and views.

Advanced tool to convert SQL Server to MySQL should provide the following essential features:

  • Migrate major database entries such as schemas, data, indexes, constraints, views
  • Provides correct type mapping even for complex data such as spatial, XML and others
  • Ensure that database migration goes smoothly and safely
  • Compatible with all modern versions of SQL Server and MySQL
  • Support for both on-premises and cloud configurations of DBMS (including Azure SQL, Amazon RDS, Google cloud)
  • Ability to merge and synchronize existing MySQL database with data stored in SQL Server
  • Support for automation and scheduling through the command line
  • Unicode support
  • Simple to use interface
  • Complete installation and uninstallation assistance

One such migration tool to convert SQL Server to MySQL has been created by Intelligent Converters, a software firm founded in 2001 that specializes in database conversion and synchronization. This database converter has all of the aforementioned features, as well as the following additional benefits:

  1. In instances when the MySQL server does not allow remote connections, the software may export the data to a SQL script file. SQL Server data is exported to a local file containing data definition (DDL) statements for the purpose of creating tables with the necessary indexes and constraints and populating them with data. Later database administrators will be able to import this file into the MySQL server through conventional tools such as phpMyAdmin.
  2. Occasionally, it is necessary to convert SQL Server to MySQL as just a portion of a table’s data or to integrate data from numerous tables into a single one. To accomplish these goals, the tool enables the conversion of the results of SELECT queries executed against the source SQL Server database.
  3. If the column name or type of a column in the final database has to be changed, the converter includes a tool called “custom column mapping.” This feature enables you to modify the name, type, default value, and NULL-attribute of any column in a Microsoft SQL table, as well as to exclude certain columns from conversion.
  4. The converter enables you to pick the kind of MySQL table you want to convert: ISAM, MyISAM, HEAP, InnoDB, or BDB.
  5. Spatial data is the one of issues requiring special attention when convert SQL Server to MySQL. Since MySQL has no built-in support for spatial data types and offers it via optional extension OpenGIS, the converter handles that data via literal representation known as WKT. It can be easily converted into native spatial types or kept as a string that gives more flexibility of migration to customers depending on MySQL server configuration.

When considering conversion performance, it is vital to consider the size of the source database, the complexity of the table structures, and the system resources available. On contemporary hardware, the typical speed to convert SQL Server to MySQL is roughly 20000 records per second.

Finally, as every tool offered by Intelligent Converters, this one is supplied with unlimited technical support and one-year subscription for updates. Visit official company website to learn more about SQL Server to MySQL migration and the software that could help to simplify and automate this procedure.



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