
Elden Ring Boss Order Main Bosses to Kill First

Elden Ring Boss Order Main Bosses to Kill First. Get to the credits screen as quickly as possible.

We expected a few epic boss battles because Elden Ring is a FromSoftware product, but 238? That is ridiculous. Without a good Elden Ring boss order guide, it’s easy to get confused figuring out which ones truly progress the main plot.

Elden Ring’s bosses are distributed across the Lands Between, so they plan to travel everywhere to complete the overarching plot. Not to mention the hundreds of additional bosses you’ll have to face to get the five possible endings. However, a Tarnished knows no limitations, and if you want to get straight into beating the game, here’s the Elden Ring boss order to assist you.


All Elden Ring Main Bosses In Order

Elden ring Margit, the Fell Omen

Elden Ring’s large open landscape was created to give each gamer a unique experience. While this guide may give you a decent idea of which bosses to battle first, your journey will likely vary since chance encounters occur often.

It’s required to beat at least two Shardbearers and get their Great Ruins for a typical gameplay focused on attaining the default ending. Only then will you be able to enter Leyndell, the Royal Capital, where you will encounter the other bosses and the last boss of Elden Ring? Choose the two Shardbearers you believe are the easiest in the Elden Ring boss order, then progress the tale. Once you’re powerful **, you may go back and finish the bosses you missed.


Here’s a rundown of the main bosses and where to find them:

  1. Margit, the Fell Omen (Stormhill, Limgrave)
  2. Godrick the Grafted (Stormveil Castle, Limgrave) [Shardbearer]
  3. Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon (Academy of Raya Lucaria, Liurnia of the Lakes) [Shardbearer]
  4. Starscourge Radahn (Redmane Castle, Caelid) [Shardbearer]
  5. Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy (Mt. Gelmir) [Shardbearer]
  6. Malenia, Blade of Miquella (Miquella’s Haligtree) [Shardbearer]
  7. Mohg, Lord of Blood (Mohgwyn Palace) [Shardbearer]
  8. Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Royal Capital, Leyndell)
  9. Morgott, the Omen King (Leyndell, Ashen Capital) [Shardbearer]
  10. Fire Giant (Mountaintops of the Giants)
  11. Malekith, the Black Blade (Crumbling Farum Azula)
  12. Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing (Leyndell, Ashen Capital)
  13. Godfrey, First Elden Lord & Hoarah Loux, Warrior (Leyndell, Ashen Capital)
  14. Radagon of the Golden Order & Elden Beast (Leyndell, Ashen Capital)

Bear in mind that this is just an outline of the main bosses essentially and that you’ll run into many mini-bosses along the way. Following the above-mentioned path will simply unlock the default ending of Elden Ring, and if you’re looking to get the optional unique endings, you’ll have to do a lot more.

The Age of Stars – Ranni’s Ending

The most difficult of the five is obtaining Ranni’s Age of Stars ending. You’ll have to work hard, but the good news is that her questline is entertaining. To unlock this ending, you must face the following extra Elden Ring bosses:

  1. Starscourge Radahn
  2. the Baleful Shadow to
  3. Astel, Naturalborn of the Void

The Age of Order – Goldmask’s Ending

Unlocking the Age of Order ending is pretty simple. It only needs you to progress the main plot to a specific point and then complete a few errands for an NPC in return for a special item.

The Age of Duskborn – Fia’s Ending

Fia’s questline is the most difficult after Ranni’s. The boss battles are relatively easy, but exploring the Deeproot Depths is. Here are the other bosses to be concerned about:

  1. Valiant gargoyles
  2. Fia’s Champions
  3. Lichdragon Fortissax

Lord of the Frenzied Flame – Three Fingers Ending

The alternative ending for Lord of the Frenzied Flame is the most bizarre. To unlock this ending, you must defeat one more boss, Mohg, the Omen. If you can get past him, you’ll have the choice of committing mass arson.

Blessing of Despair – The Dung Eater’s Ending

Like the Age of Order ending, the questline of Blessing of Despair involves you interacting with many NPCs. This questline is relatively easy except for the confrontation with Dung Eater. Only masochists will choose this version of events, but who isn’t one when you’ve defeated 238 bosses?

After playing Elden Ring for over 120 hours, I encourage you to take this list of primary bosses as a guideline rather than the true order of beating the bosses since you will be under-leveled. Instead, for the greatest experience, follow our suggested Elden Ring boss order.

Recommended Elden Ring Boss Order

Most of you will understand how tough Elden Ring is after entering Limgrave and dying at least 70 times to the Tree Sentinel, and he’s not even a significant boss. At that time, it will be evident that you can’t just wander about aimlessly expecting to get lucky in every boss encounter. So, to spare you a thousand visits to the “You Died” screen, here’s a great game strategy for tackling the Elden Ring boss order:

  1. Margit, the Fell Omen
  2. Godrick the Grafted [Shardbearer]
  3. Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon [Shardbearer]
  4. Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy [Shardbearer]
  5. Starscourge Radahn [Shardbearer]
  6. Godfrey, First Elden Lord
  7. Morgott, the Omen King [Shardbearer]
  8. Fire Giant
  9. Malekith, the Black Blade
  10. Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing
  11. Godfrey, First Elden Lord & Hoarah Loux, Warrior
  12. Radagon of the Golden Order & Elden Beast
  13. Mohg, Lord of Blood [Shardbearer]
  14. Malenia, Blade of Miquella [Shardbearer]

Lord Rykard’s boss battle, like Yhorm the Giant in Dark Souls 3, is a gimmick; dispatching him is a piece of cake. The difficult thing is getting to him. Set your eyes on Rennala and Godrick instead since they are easier to defeat than the other Shardbearers.

General Radhan and Mohg, on the other hand, are difficult nuts to crack; only use them once you’ve honed your talents. Vanquishing Radagon and the Elden Beast will result in the game’s ending. However, the actual indisputable last boss of Elden Ring is Malenia, the Goddess of Rot.

Malenia is, without a doubt, the most difficult video game boss of all time. She resembles Isshin from Sekiro and The Nameless King from Dark Souls 3. If you think I’m exaggerating, Bandai Namco just disclosed data on global player deaths in Elden Ring, and Malenia was at the top of the list with almost 330 million kills. She’s the one who will make you anger the most in Elden Ring. I died 103 times at her hands before ultimately giving up and letting my Mimic Tear do the dirty job.

In any event, your journey as a Tarnished will always be completed until you defeat Malenia in a fight, so grab a spare controller, cross your fingers, and hope to the Elden Lords that you’ll make it out of the Haligtree with your sanity intact.

Does The Elden Ring Boss Order Really Matter?

Unlike other FromSoftware Souls games, Elden Ring does not follow the usual scripted and linear design. The beauty of it is that it encourages freedom of exploration. And, if it wasn’t evident previously, the Elden Ring boss order isn’t a hard and fast rule you must follow.

Most people dislike FromSoftware games due to their haphazard storyline and lack of a mission structure, sometimes leaving first-time players bewildered hours into the game. Veteran Souls fans may appreciate the high feeling of immersion, but this Elden Ring boss order guide is handy for those who are constructed equally.

The creators kept in mind true freedom, that is, no hand-holding and enabling access to all aspects of the game from the start while building Elden Ring. Almost every Elden Ring boss is attainable at level 1, and if you’re skillful enough, you can beat them even if you’re somewhat handicapped. It’s been done previously by many others, so nothing prevents you from achieving the same result. However, the “Git Gud” playstyle is difficult to master. Thus, this boss guide will assist you in facing enemies with rising difficulty. They’re still quite difficult to defeat, but the order in this list will provide some peace of mind.

Regardless, starting the game and not stressing too much about what to accomplish but concentrating on acquiring a feeling of adventure. Elden Ring is about letting your curiosity get the better of you, and if you ever find yourself confused about what’s crucial and what’s filler, stop by this guide and refresh your memory.

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